This bar contains single-origin coffee and cacao, both locally roasted beans! Another local business collaboration with the local coffee roasters Weird Brothers. The coffee beans and cacao beans are both sourced from the same countries, Both beans feature a medium roast, which maintains the beneficial flavanols present in the bar. This bar is also slightly crunchy from the ground up coffee.
Ingredients: Fine Cacao Beans, Organic Cane Sugar (Brazil), Cacao Butter, Weird Brothers Roasted Coffee Beans
Out of stock
Store Hours:
Monday 12:00-18:00 Tuesday 12:00-18:00 Wednesday 12:00-18:00 Thursday 12:00-18:00 Friday 12:00-19:00 Saturday 12:00-19:00 Sunday 11:00-17:00
Store will be closed on Dec.25, and Jan.1st.
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